Liquid Acquisition Devices for Advanced In-Space Cryogenic Propulsion Systems【電子書籍】[ Jason William Hartwig ]


<p>Liquid Acquisition Devices for Advanced In-Space Cryogenic Propulsion Systems discusses the importance of reliable cryogenic systems, a pivotal part of everything from engine propulsion to fuel deposits. As some of the most efficient systems involve advanced cryogenic fluid management systems that present challenging issues, the book tackles issues such as the difficulty in obtaining data, the lack of quality data and models, and the complexity in trying to model these systems.</p> <p>The book presents models and experimental data based on rare and hard-to-obtain cryogenic data. Through clear descriptions of practical data and models, readers will explore the development of robust and flexible liquid acquisition devices (LAD) through component-level and full-scale ground experiments, as well as analytical tools.</p> <p>This book presents new and rare experimental data, as well as analytical models, in a fundamental area to the aerospace and space-flight communities. With this data, the reader can consider new and improved ways to design, analyze, and build expensive flight systems.</p> <ul> <li>Presents a definitive reference for design ideas, analysis tools, and performance data on cryogenic liquid acquisition devices</li> <li>Provides historical perspectives to present fundamental design models and performance data, which are applied to two practical examples throughout the book</li> <li>Describes a series of models to optimize liquid acquisition device performance, which are confirmed through a variety of parametric component level tests</li> <li>Includes video clips of experiments on a companion website</li> </ul>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。


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  • 商品価格:19,773円
  • レビュー件数:0件
  • レビュー平均:0(5点満点)

